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THE OTHER SONGS: Squallhoot Song - That's What Squallhoots Do
If I Were a Throp - If We Try - Jiggery-Pokery - Ka Me, Ka Thee
TRANSLATION MENU STORY Pictures (1) Pictures (2) SONGS
If I Were a Throp
The Squallhoots have heard rumors and stories about the Throps - and the stories get more frightening every time they are told. Who'd ever want to be a Throp?

A very angry Squallhoot

If I were a Throp?
(Who'd want to be a Throp?)
I'd rather be a mop! (That's right!)
Play the song NOW!
(English Only)

This translated song does not rhyme and it is not meant to be sung. This translation is only provided to tell you what the song is saying.

If I were a Throp
My fun would have to stop.
I'd have to stay inside at night.

If I were a Throp
I'd have to flippy-flop up on the top,
And then I'd whop and bop you on the head.
(And make you cry!)
If I were a Throp
I'd grab you and go choppy-chop,
And throw the little pieces in the sun to fry.

Oh...That's what we hear so we know it must be right.
That's what they would do if they came out tonight.
Da-wa-deh-wuh-doo if they came out tonight!

If I were a Throp? Oh! What an awful thought!
I'd rather fall in melted ice!
If YOU were a Throp... (Oh, I'd rather not, thanks.)
I don't have to ask you why.

If I were a Throp I'd want every little thing you've got -
Every pot and lollipop! (What's yours is MINE!)
If I were a Throp I'd never shop up on the top.
(It's easier to rob you when you close your eyes.)

Oh, that's what we hear - so we know it must be right.
Oh, those rumors must be true.
We've all heard the stories once or twice.
That's what they would do if they came out tonight!
Da-wa-deh-wuh-doo if they came out tonight!
Da-wa-deh-wuh-doo if they came out tonight!

All Lyrics and Music by L.W.Collingwood.
Copyright © 1995 Athropolis Productions Limited.

TRANSLATION MENU STORY Pictures (1) Pictures (2) SONGS