THE CODE Also See: S.O.S.

MORSE CODE: In Morse Code each letter of the alphabet is represented by combinations of just two signs - a short sign (dot . ) and a long sign (dash _ ).

The code alphabet (invented by a man named Morse) is shown below.

Also shown is the PHONETIC ALPHABET - a way to say letters so they will not be misunderstood (because B sounds like C and D and E and G and P and T and V). Instead of ABC you say "Alpha Bravo Charlie". This is important for people like pilots and sailors or people who use radios to talk to each other.


A  Alpha     .-
B  Bravo     -...
C  Charlie   -.-.
D  Delta     -..
E  Echo      .
F  Foxtrot   ..-.
G  Golf      --.
H  Hotel     ....
I  India     ..
J  Juliet    .---
K  Kilo      -.-
L  Lima      .-..
M  Mike      --

N  November  -.
O  Oscar     --- 
P  Papa      .--.
Q  Quebec    --.-
R  Romeo     .-.
S  Sierra    ...
T  Tango     -
U  Uniform   ..-
V  Victor    ...-
W  Whisky    .--
X  X-ray     -..-
Y  Yankee    -.--
Z  Zulu      --..
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