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Chilly Weather Reports

  1. It was so cold...
    breath exhalations caused so much fog, we needed running lights on our parkas.

  2. It was so cold...
    The huge puffs of fog coming out of my nostrils sent the wrong signal and led to tensions between two Indian villages.

  3. It was so cold...
    we thought the bush pilot's plane was on fire, but it was only the campfire he had in the cockpit.

  4. It was so cold...
    the Murres flew out two months ahead of schedule.

  5. It was so cold...
    my broken air conditioner suddenly started working. (I'm now expecting my broken heater to spring back into life next Summer.)

  6. It was so cold...
    Rover insisted on using newspaper again.

  7. It was so cold...
    our parrot picked up a few new words to describe the temperature. The air turned blue, and it wasn't from the cold.

  8. It was so cold...
    the parrot checked his family tree, and demanded to be returned to the tropical land of his ancestors.

  9. It was so cold...
    the army issued electric epaulettes to keep the soldiers' ears warm.

  10. It was so cold...
    we couldn't light a fire, so we taped a picture of fire in the fireplace. We left it unattended, and ended up with pictures of smoke on the furniture.

  11. It was so cold...
    the Arctic Terns turned around and headed back to Antarctica.

  12. It was so cold...
    the Ice Road was closed because of too much ice.

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  13. It was so cold...
    shoes had to be bought six sizes larger to allow for the extra socks.

  14. It was so cold...
    my dog team formed a union and demanded reduced outdoor hours and a toaster oven for their dog food.

  15. It was so cold...
    we had to get sprayed with de-icing fluid to make sure our arms and legs would work when we went out to play.

  16. It was so cold...
    only people with names like "Al" and "Ed" had time to write their names in the snow.

  17. It was so cold...
    I replaced my long underwear with a diving suit filled with hot chocolate.

  18. It was so cold...
    Dove soap with cold cream was renamed Ptarmigan soap with frozen cream.

  19. It was so cold...
    my budgie demanded a tea-cozy for his cage.

  20. It was so cold...
    we used the frozen pillars of smoke coming out of the chimneys to build an ice Acropolis (no, not Athropolis).

  21. It was so cold...
    - like frozen milk popping the stoppers out of the bottles, kids' heads kept popping out of their snowsuits.

  22. It was so cold...
    I waterproofed my pants and filled them with hot beef bouillon. When I got to school, it took over an hour to pry the dogs off my legs.

  23. It was so cold...
    we named the big blocks of ice that formed in the field "Icehenge" - and described it to the tourists who wouldn't go out in the cold.

  24. It was so cold . . .
    the cows threatened a milk strike if they didn't get thermal bras for their udders.

  25. It was so cold...
    Arctic foxes were offering to trade their fur for a ticket to Florida.

It Was So Cold...
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